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Download Materi Fisika Modern (International Version)

These Modern Physics lectures were created by Rick Trebino (from lectures supplied with the textbook below) and are intended to accompany a sophomore-level Modern Physics course taught using “Modern Physics” by Thornton and Rex. Many images have been taken from this book and others; these contributions are noted where possible (if you see an improperly credited or uncredited image, please let me know). These lectures were originally intended mainly for my students at Georgia Tech. But if you’re a professor who is teaching such a course at another university, feel free to use them (although you may need permission from the book publisher to do so)! My desire is to help to create a tradition of sharing of teaching materials, as espoused by the Digital Libraries initiative (e.g. MERLOT). And some day, no professor will ever have to endure the tedious task of lecture preparation, except to improve on existing lectures. If you use these lectures, please obey copyright laws (that is, reference Rick Trebino and also, if relevant, the original source of any figure or image). And if you improve on them, please be so kind as to contribute your improvements to the cause! Feedback is also welcome!

Let's download the link of the underline title of the chapters below!

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4 komentar to “Download Materi Fisika Modern (International Version)”

biofismipa mengatakan...

Boy,, Q kirimin ebook tuh,, Kan kamu Masih Banyak KULIAHnya

khairulfaqih mengatakan...


sichandra mengatakan...

wah bagus nih buat saya sob , saya izin download yaa:)
terimakasih ..

rusli mengatakan...

buatin Link yang anchornya ke Lab Biofisika

Terima Kasih Atas Kunjungan Anda!

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